Friday, August 06, 2004


I have successfully added a table of links. If you will kindly scroll down, you will find hand-picked websites for your viewing pleasure.

The comics I've chosen to link to are all quality comics that are somewhat overlooked. I read many, many more on a daily basis, but most of them are well established and don't need my help in gathering an audience.

The Nomi Art pages are full of my wife's drawings and renderings. Stop on by and leave a comment if you like what you see, though she is making me warn everybody that she sometimes has mature work, so avert your eyes, kiddies. is a wonderful resource for classic literature and poetry online for free.

The Legal Information Institute is brought to you by Cornell University's School of Law and contains the text of the constitution, the bill of rights, federal codes as well as state laws. A great way to research and be aware of your rights and responsibilities as a citizen.

MoJo is actually Mother, a left leaning political magazine that I enjoy.

The Best Page In The Universe is just that.

In other news, Nomi and I have decided to throw our hat into the webcomic ring. If you would just click her art links already, you would know that she has tremendous talent, and I will be writing the strips. We will probably set something up Keenspace, or some other such free hosting and automation service. More details will be available soon.

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