Saturday, April 02, 2005

Are we sick?

The wife and I were just figuring what our newborns AC would be:

10 (base) + 2 (tiny size) - 5 (dex 1) = 7


Mr.Bill said...


N! said...

In D&D, every creature starts with a base Armor Class (AC) of 10. They then get a bonus or penalty based on relative size. Infants are considered "Tiny Size," earning her a bonus of 2 (smaller creatures are harder to hit). Finally, Dexterity (Dex) is a measure of a creatures hand/eye coordination as well as dodging, ducking, rolling etc. A creature with a Dex of 0 is completely immobile and helpless, but an infant isn't quite like that, so I gave her a Dex of 1, earning her a -5 penalty to AC. The net result is 7, meaning her AC sucks.