Monday, November 21, 2005


will be six months old this week, and I can hardly know where to begin. First of all, she's the wrong age. I can't tell weather it feels like we've had her forever, or only a few days, but it really seems she's the wrong age.

Syd is turing into a little person, as opposed to a baby. Babies just eat, sleep, cry and crap themselves, and while Sydney does her fair share of that, she is also getting a personality, with her own set of likes and dislikes. She loves her little Sesame Street car that makes noise when you push buttons. She loves cords, strings and cables of any kind. When she's on the floor in the living room, we have to be careful or she'll make her way over to the Dreamcast and Xbox cables and start gumming them, and occasionally pull them out. (Did I mention she mobile? MOre on that in a moment.) She hates being put to bed or down for a nap, but always sleeps really well.

She is increadibly good tempered, particualrly in the morning. This makes us wonder if she was switched in the hospital, because Nomi and I are not, nor have we ever been, morning people.

Mobility! Sydney is thiiiiiiis clost to crawling. She been able to roll around for a while, but now she's getting the knees and hands into position for crawling. She can sometimes make one or two crawling steps, forward, but mostly what she does is fall down or go backwards. Going backwards pisses her off something fierce. She can see the toy she wants, and trys to go for it, but ends up farther away.

She smiles and laughs a lot, and I have discovered there is very little I won't do for that smile.

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