Friday, October 21, 2005

I have had a few of what I like to call Old Man Moments

A few weeks ago, I had Sydney in my arms while we walked through the park. A mother with her young child point our way and said, "Look! There's a daddy with his baby!"

I actually turned to see who she was pointing at before I realized she was pointing at me. I had to fight the urge to run over to this woman and explain that I'm not as old as I look.


I walked in on two of the younger people at work discussing last summers Warped Tour and I mentioned that I've always wanted to go, but never have; for whatever reason, I just don't go to concerts. Josh (17) said, "You should really go, it's a blast."

Daniel (18) looked at me and said, "Do you even like that kind of music?"

The Other Day At Work

I saw a forgotten pink balloon, barely able to float three inches off the ground for the weight of it's ribbons. I picked it up, trimmed the excess ribbon, and taped it to my work station. For some reason, it was important to me to save this balloon, and it made me happy to place it where others could see.

When I got back from break, someone had thrown it away.