Friday, October 17, 2003

So, I don't want to sound like I'm some kind of technological elite, like I'm in on the ground floor of all the latest and greatest that's online, but I do want to point out that I have had this little blog nearly a year now. I point to this only because, suddenly, blogging is hot shit. It seems like everybody has a blog, and everybody who doesn't is in line. I read an article the other day in what passes for a local paper around here that blogging is becoming the tool of choice for businessmen and politicians to reach out to their customers/consituants in a more informal, personal way. Also, not ten minutes ago, someone was cited in another article as a "columnist/blogger." Does this mean that I can put "student/blogger" as my occupation in job applications? You see, the reason I think blogs are popular, is that they *are* (Damn my utter lack of HTML skills. I would love to be able to italicize words). informal and personal. If someone had a blog, you could read it, learn a lot about how they are as a person, in a fairly raw way. I fear now that busisnesswomen and (especially) politicians are in on the act, that will disappear, or at least diminish. Politicians, by and large, don't even write their own speeches; why should we believe that they will bother to publish their own blog.

(An aside to talk about speech writers: I find it disturbing that our most powerful civil servants will read something, on a live feed to the entire planet, that they didn't think up themselves. Consider it for a moment. Whenever Bush hold a press conference, or makes a statement, chances are good that he didn't come up with the words he's speaking himself. He becomes, almost literally, a puppet for his speech writers to play with.)

I don't mean to imply that my little pile of electronic logorrhea is somehow purer than anyone else's. Certainly, a businesspersons/politico's blog will probably kick my blog's ass in terms of purpose and coherence..... Sorry, my wife came home and I forgot where I was going with that thought.

Anyway, that's about it for now. One final note, I just ran the news spell checker her at, and it dosent' know the words 'blog' or 'blogger.' Go figure.

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