Wednesday, June 21, 2006

We sold our TV

and it was the greatest $15 we ever made, and now ranks 3rd on my personal list Greatest Things Ever (#1 is marrying Nomi, #2 is Sydney). If I had known that not having a TV is the great, I would have given it away. If there were no takers, I would shot the damn thing. It's really hard to see how much time was wasted on that stupid thing until you get rid of it. I propose a challenge to (all) my reader(s): Get rid of the TV for week. Don't just turn it off; you'll forget and turn it back on. Don't just unplug it; you'll be reminded constantly of what you're not watching. Get it out of the house. Put it in the shed, put in the garage, stuff it in a closet, loan it to your cousin.

You won't miss it, I promise, after the first day or so.

You may ask, ok, I got rid of the TV, now what?

Whatever you want. Have dinner, at an actual dinner table with your family. Read a book (may I reccommend Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis? I just started it and it's blowing my mind). Go for a walk. Attend a city council meeting. Take a nap. Almost any activity conceivable is better than watching TV, and anything you might have done before while watching TV will be done better without the damned thing in the house. I had no idea what could be accomplished in the space of a single "Friends" rerun.

Trust me. Try it. You might not want it back.

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