Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Geeks Are Amassing!

So, yes, I waited in line, in the cold, for an hour and a half to get my copy of Halo 2.

No, I haven't played it yet.

I'm still working on Fable.

It's an interesting thing, waiting in line with 500 or so people who love the games as much, possibly more than you. The most interesting thing about it was the diversity of the line. It used to be a midnight release of any video game attracted only hardest of hardcore. That night, there was a reasonable cross-section of America was represented, but it still skewed toward the Uber Geeks. My favorite people were the 10 and 13 year old kids, pouring out of minivans to stand in line while their parents waited in the car.

At one point, someone drove by and shouted "Halo sucks!" Some of us gave chase, but, being who we are, were quickly out of breath and returned to the line, wheezing and gasping.

The Red Bull truck also made an appearance, trolling for addicts and offering their liquid crack to one and all. The young man in line behind me took one, but only because it was free. He said that he really can't stand the stuff. I told it was much better when cut with vodka, a drink that I like to call a Red Bullshevick. (Please let me know if you got that joke, and if you found it funny.)

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