Monday, November 01, 2004

Kid Strollers: More Than Meets The Eye!

Went to Babies "R" Us the other day and marveled at all the things we didn't know we needed. I was impressed by the wide variety of locks, gates and monitors you buy. You can positively booby trap your house, from a toddler's point of view. They even have baby monitors that come with wireless video so you can see what kid's doing when they're being too quiet. I suggested investing heavily in these kinds of devices, for two reasons. First, if our (the wife and I) own childhood's are any example, the kid will be into everything the moment it learns how to crawl, and second, to develop any latent ninja abilities it may have. If you want you children to grow up to become superspies, you have to start early and I figured that picking the locks on hallway gates is a good place to start.

Equally impressive are car seats and strollers, especially car seat/strollers. One model in particular reminded me of some kind of transformer for respectable adults/infant assault vehicle. There was a "shuttle" of a sort that you strapped the baby into. The shuttle could be locked into a base unit in the car or the stroller. It also had a retractable handle so it could be carried like a basket. When the kid outgrew the car seat, the stroller had a more conventional seat so you could continue to use it. All in all, very cleverly designed, and, I think, intended to appeal to the gadget lover in every man.

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