Monday, February 28, 2005

Sad News

You may remember a while back I made mention of Tauhid Bondia, a young webcomicist who quit his day job to make his webcomics pay. This with a wife and kid. Recently, there was post on Spells & Whistles saything that things weren't going so well, and he may have to get an actual job again. Since that time, the S&W site has gone under and there is a notice on Suzie View (his other comic) that is has been discontinued and the last strip will be March 8th.

I don't know what happened. Hopefully it's just a setback and he isn't leaving hte webcomic arena. I liked S&W and loved Suzie View. I thought of SV as a new Calvin and Hobbes (the gold standard of syndicated comics in my opinion).

Here's hoping you come back.

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