Friday, October 08, 2004

A Blogger's Miscellaney

You know what you never see anymore? Playground equipment made out of old tractor tires.

I like Bill Maher, but only when he's not on his show. When he's on his show, it's mostly about him being right and his guests being wrong. (True story, during the last episode of Politically Incorrect I saw, which featured an all female, all black panel, Bill would not admit that he did not know what it was like to be a black woman in America today.) But on Last Call the other night, he had an interesting point about about food. Basically, he said that food can kill you just as easily as any drug. He also said that getting gastric bypass surgery to lose weight is like quitting cocaine by super-gluing your nostrils shut; it doesn't really solve your problem.

Conan will be taking over from Leno in a few years. I hope the higher profile time slot doesn't cause him to mellow out.

This really deserves a full post of it's own, but my wife is pregnant. It was suspected for a few days, and confirmed earlier this week. She is due somewhere in the neighborhood of May 30th. More details as they are made available.

Soul Calibur II's 'Extremely Hard' mode does not fuck around.

Something else that probably deserves a full-blown post, my wife and I just celebrated our one year anniversary. We had a pot luck lunch in our back yard with friends and family. The weather was awesome, and a good time was had by all.

Allow me to paraphrase my Grandfather: Summer and Winter are nothing to shout about in the Treasure Valley. Summer is just hot and dry, and the mercury will break 100 on a daily basis, for weeks on end. Winter is cold with hardly any snow. What little snow we get, is immediately followed by either rain, or warm day. But Spring and Fall, especially Fall, are done right. For the last three weeks or so, we've days in the 70s, and nights in the 50s. Not too hot to go get stuff done, and warm long evenings, though those will come to an abrupt halt once Daylight Saving time ends. The leaves are just hitting their prime, and it is a golden opportunity to hit the Greenbelt. If you have a bike and any time whatsoever to spare, I insist you take a trip along the river; your soul will thank you for it. I suggest you park your car at Ann Morrison Park, cross to the North side of the river, then head down stream. You'll pass through Shoreline Park and Veterans Memorial Park. That's not a bad place to turn around, but you really should continue on to Willow Lane Athletic Complex. The cottonwood, oaks, maples and black walnuts particularly, are absolutely stunning. Since you've gone all that way, you might as well head down to Glenwood bridge area; the path runs along some very cool wetlands preserves (I'll bet you didn't know Boise had wetlands!). The trip I just described is about 10 miles round trip, so you may not want to tackle it all at once if you don't bike a lot, but trust me, even a portion of the trip is worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are the second friend of mine to become a do I feel old. So yeah...drop me a line...I'll do the same.
