Friday, March 11, 2005

After much though,

I decided that inducing is probably for the best. The OB told us that diabetic women generally have bigger babies, and wating an extra week or two for full-term is just asking for an uncomfortably large baby. Also, ther biger the baby is (past a certain healthy birth-weight range) increases the chances of nerve and cardiovascular damage, as well as an increased risk of stillbirth.

Also, this is a high risk pregnancy, and by inducing, everything will be in place when we arrive at the hospital. The room will be prepared, the doctors and nurses and other staff will be aware of the potential problems and be better prepared to deal with them. This will eliminate the mad dash to hospital at God knows what hour, trying to inform all the staff of her medicla history, while trying not to completely freak out myself. It is possible that Nomi could go into normal labor before they induce, but the Doc doesn't think that likely.

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