Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I have developed

an odd routine. The routine in and of iself is not odd, what's odd is that it is my routine.

I wake up at about nine. Not 'set an alarm for nine.' The alarm is set for ten, but recently my body has decided that nine is when I wake up. Even last night, when I didn't get to sleep until ten hours ante meridian (a prize* for the reader who can tell me what time I went to bed), I just kind of woke up at nine.

I surf the net for an hour or so, check my e-mail and beloved web comics, read some news, investigate whatever weird question I may have (this morning I suddenly wondered what Bollywood was).

Then, and this is what scares me the most, around eleven, I do housework for an hour or two.

Those who know me will understand why this is very strange, and may be concerned and/or convinced I'm lying.

*There is no prize

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